Does CrossFit make you a better person, or do you just gain the confidence to not give a crap what others think? I guess, like anything else, it varies from person to person.
I can be a hypocrite. I push unfolded laundry off my bed and watch Hoarders in the glow of my still lit Christmas lights. I've picked up Taco Bell in my rush to get home to watch The Biggest Loser. I've marvelled in how these people reached this place in their life. And, I have the audacity to judge them. On one episode of Hoarders, a homeless man built a shanty in the Hoarder's yard and uses a bucket as a toilet. When the organizers come to clean up the joint, the therapist makes a good point. He says....and this IS a quote...."We are all 4 to 5 bad decisions from shitting in a bucket." Well, after rewinding this brilliant little jewel several times, I realize that he is right. Now, these must be some huge fucktard choices that lead you to Bucket Town. And, to make 4 to 5 in a But, I'm judging again.
I'd like to think that CrossFit has made me more patient and accepting of others. And I've learned to better accept my own faults while working to improve them. And this is due to the friends I've made in the CrossFit community.
Everyone at our Box is nice. No joke. I'm not pooping out rainbows for your benefit here, folks. We have one heck of a family up at CrossFit SoMO. We function like a family, too. We laugh together. Grieve together. We celebrate each other's accomplishments and catch one another if we fall. We argue, get frustrated, sometimes snap in anger. And at the end of the day-or WOD-no matter how bad I screw up, there is a gym full of people who have my back and love me just the way I am. And we are not unique-sorry. The CrossFit community is supportive and amazing worldwide. People finish WOD's at competitions and sit in their own sweat pool, cheering for their opponents. If you don't do CrossFit, go to and find an affiliate in your area. It may just be that thing that is missing in your life. And, I truly feel that being immersed within this community has made me strive to be a better person. Every once in a blue moon you meet a real stinker, though. But, they seem as out of place as the Lindsey Lohan Babysitting Academy.
My CrossFit friends gently steer me away from my mistakes. Their encouragement keeps me from making mistake number 2 thru 5. And, I try to do the same for them. And in case I forget to tell you, thank you for being there. You keep me happy, well-rounded, healthy and strong. And, I feel pretty secure that if I was ever even close to shitting in a bucket, one of them would slap me back to reality PDQ. Buckets are for puking, after all.
I was able to do a WOD today that was rowing and deadlifts. My 2
favorites! The WOD was in 12 minutes complete a 2k row and max rep deads @185. I pr'd my row by 1 second and was only able to do 15 deads. BUT, was able to do the WOD with my finger still taped. I took time to reset my grip during the row and lifts, so as to not further injure myself. That was a time vampire, but worth it, I think.If we take the time to make good decisions-proper set up in a lift, proper grip, good fuel before we go to the Box-it helps us stay off the Road to Bucket Town. And, a good network of support never hurts. :)