Friday, January 28, 2011

I is educated.....

I'm gonna drop a bomb on you.........I'm not shy.  I'm going to give you a minute to pull yourself off the floor.
But, I've found myself at a loss for words this week.  I've tried to be like the wise old owl in the nursery rhyme:

A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

My first week of training other athletes has been wonderful!  But training is an art and everyone has different skills.  And art is subjective.
I may look at a painting and say "That sucks.  My dog wiped his ass on my carpet last Tuesday with more talent."  And Joe Schmoe may have that painting hanging over his couch.  "Did you see this?  I love his work.  It speaks to me."
Some of us are abstract, some minimalists, others detailed.   I'm not sure where I fall yet.  I wish that I could tell you that I left my Cert knowing everything and rocking out muscle-ups like a m-effer, but alas....If CrossFit HQ could accomplish that at a Certification course, they would have been on Oprah years ago.  They have a magic potion at HQ that makes them awesome, but my Cert wasn't at Hogwarts.  It was in St. Charles. :)
I'm gonna have to make my own magic.

So, I leave you with this.  I'm happy.  I'm learning.  And I feel great about the path I am following.  Can't wait to see where it will lead me!

For now, here is my favorite song.

Shhhhhhhhhh, it's telling us something.....


Monday, January 24, 2011

Surprise! Or, one New Years Resolution down...........

How do you react when something surprises you?  When you are caught off guard?  This picture is  pretty typical of my reaction to surprises before I started CrossFit.  Unprepared for the unknown and unknowable-and awkwardly so.
But that was then and this is now.
And here is the deal.  I think about you.  All the time.  I wonder how your lifts went when I know you went to the WOD.  Did you PR?  Was your row faster this time?  Was it slower?  Did you get your first pull-up?  I worry when you are sick. Is your injury better?   How was your day?  I wonder these things.  Am I like a stalker?  Will I be standing in your driveway with a boombox over my head like John Cusack in "Say Anything", playing the songs we hear during our WODs?  No.  Would I lunge in your driveway with a boombox overhead till you came out and told me about your WOD?  Hmmmmm.....tempting, but I guess not.
But, still.
I reached a point where it became overwhelming.  I care so much for my fellow SoMO athletes.  I just wanted to do more for you.  And myself.  As much as I love you guys, I just simply adore me :)  And, I wanted to learn more and immerse myself more into life at the Box.  Imagine my surprise the day I realized that I couldn't be content just going to class.  It was pretty unsettling.   So, about 5 months ago, I registered and started the process of studying for my Level 1 Cert. 
Why didn't I tell you?  Me.  A poster child for TMI.  Odd?  Yes.  Why?  Well, for several reasons.
One was that I was afraid of failure and I didn't want to let anyone down.  The weight that I would feel if I allowed myself to fail after 2 years of CF would have been enough to bear.  And, I feel like you deserve my best. 
Second was I'm not very confident unless I'm the best at something.  I bet you have beaten me at a WOD.  You may beat me tomorrow.   I'm not a girl with my name covering the white board.  Sure, I'm up there.  BUT, I don't dominate it by any means.
Third, I don't epitomise all the physical attributes of the typical female CrossFitter.  I struggle with my diet.  I'm not lithe and lean.  I'm, uh, 'curvy'.  :) 
Also, I look "crazy" when I am focused and/or scared.  People who don't know me might casually look for the nearest exit.
But here are my assets.
I'm afraid of failure, so I won't allow myself to let you down.
I'm not the best at everything, but I'm damn good at knowing why.  I have a quick eye and can see faults and I like to help people.  I've spent the last 2 years being trained by Rodney, having 1 on 1 sessions once a week.  I've had the privilege of living with and having Chase be my trainer for 6 months, as well as Mattie and Leslie.  I spent my Cert being coached by amazing athletes including  Matt Chan, who placed 8th in the 2009 Games and was a top finisher in the 2010 Games, as well.  He is amazing!  I feel BEYOND lucky that an athlete of that calliber was at my Certification.  It was like a beginner football coach getting pointers from Brett Farve-except this is the least creepy guy in the world and you feel comfortable friending him on Facebook.
I DON'T epitomise the body of a typical trainer.  Am I working towards a healthier weight?  Yes.  I spent the last 5 months studying Zone and Paleo.  I've been instructed by CF HQ on how I can help you AND me on the road to a healthier lifestyle.  And I'm ready to implement that in my life.   I understand your struggles.  I do. I wrestle with it too and together we are going to make this happen.  I WANT to help you.  I get it.
I look 'crazy' when I am intent on something and have a potty mouth.  Well, that's just me.   If that makes you try harder to perfect your form or run faster to get the hell away from your crazy trainer then OK.  So be it.  Short of wearing a mask and a gag, I am who I am.
Did it feel awkward taking this big step and not telling you?  Yes.  Very much.
Do I care about you?   Yes.  Very much. 
Do I know if I will be a good trainer?  I hope so.  And I'm prepared to deal with the unknown and unknowable. 
And together we will train to not suck at life.
I hope this answers your questions.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Mom. Dad. I'm Ophiuchus...

I'm all out of sorts!  Up is down.  Left is right.  Cookies are carrot sticks.   Burpees are wallballs.  I'm no longer a Sagittarius.  I'm an Ophiuchus.
I mean, really.
We have added a 13th sign and, in addition, messed with the dates of the other ones.  Before you laugh at my astrological screwjob, check this out:

Not so funny now, huh?
And, of course, since I'm the 13th sign, my lucky number is 12.  And listed under traits:  Wearer of plaid.
Again.  WTF?
In my opinion, the people who usually take these things seriously are still living in their parent's basement.  And, they are probably doing bong hits, as we speak.  I don't know why this is unsettling, but I think it is because this is part of my 'label'.  I am used to being Sagittarius.  It was a description of who I am.  It really described me well.
  "Gosh, you're hyper.  Friendly.  Impulsive.  Driven.  You have a potty mouth."
"Well, I'm Sagittarius."    No more.
It has me thinking about being rx'd at CrossFit.  At first, 35# kettlebells were rx'd for women.  Then 55#.  And, if you watch Mainsite, you know that this will probably change in the future.  We will be doing Man-Fran someday.  I don't doubt this-95# thrusters, ladies.
I hate to scale.  HATE IT!!!!!!!!  If I had a swear jar dollar for every time I had to scale, I'd have a fuckload of dollars.  I am just not proficient in all the movements.  But, I do it.  I scale to keep up intensity.  It makes me frowny.  If rx'd work feels like Christmas morning, then scaling feels like this:

I allow scaling to poo on my WOD.  Because, I think of myself as mostly rx'd.  I don't mind scaling when I simply have not mastered the skill, like handstand push-ups.  But, when I have the ability to do the weight and need to scale for intensity in a WOD, it makes me nuts.
There are tons of reasons to scale.  Ability being one.  Easing back in after an injury(damn it.  why did I have to whack my fingers on that stupid box!!!!) being another of many.  But, scaling for intensity is something that everyone needs to do.  And, we shouldn't EVER let it fool ourselves into thinking that we are less of an athlete than the person next to us.  Maybe 65# is rx'd in a WOD.  And you can OHS 65#.  But, if the rest of the folks are getting in 10 rounds and you are getting 3, you should have scaled.  Maybe at 45#, you can get 9 or 10 rounds.  Or 13.  Intensity is more important than rx'd, if you want to make gains as a CrossFitter.  Oh, if only I hadn't been so pigheaded, oh so many times.  I actually wasted a lot of time dwelling on scaling, instead of realizing that THE SCALING WAS PROGRESSIVELY MAKING ME STRONGER BECAUSE I WAS KEEPING UP MY INTENSITY!!!!!!! 
So yes, now there are 13 meaningless categories in which you may label yourself and base important decisions on, like mate compatibility and lotto numbers.  And, you can go the Box and label yourself as scaled or rx'd.  But, at the end of the day, you are you.  Period.  You will grow and progress and change.  And tomorrow, you may be a rx'd athlete.  Or, a Pisces.  Or scaled.  As long as you are living your life with purpose, honesty and at the proper intensity, does it really matter what your 'label' reads today?
I'm not saying to not have goals.  Set goals.  They are important.  And meet them.  I met my goal for the 1st week of the SoMo weight loss challenge.  It was a manageable goal.  I will met next week's, as well.  Progressing forward slowly. 
I feel as happy as this little guy.  Life is good-even though I still can't pronounce Ophiuchus.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thank Goodness it's all your fault and I'm still perfect....

What if CrossFitters ran NYC?  I thought about this today as I watched the news and saw the statement from Mayor Bloomberg.  It would seem that some of the residents felt that the City didn't get the enormous amount of snow removed from the streets in an efficient manner.  Snow plows made ice  'guardrails' that blocked in the parked vehicles.  The sanitation department was unable to keep their regular schedule and remove the bags of trash that were piling on the sidewalks.  People were inconvenienced.  Anytime a city with the population of 8,391,881 gets almost 2 feet of snow, it is going to be a huge cluster fuck. 
WWCFD? (what would CrossFit do?)  Well, my first guess is that we would suggest that residents buy an effing shovel, if they didn't already have one.  Then use it.  Dig out your own car.  It doesn't take a genius to surmise that the 2 feet wet slushy crap that the plows are pushing aside will freeze into an ice wall overnight.  Go outside.  Cover your ass.  Dig out your vehicle.   Clear the walk in front your residence.  And, if you are so inclined, a few feet more on either side.  The trash guy isn't coming today-duh-so, don't throw your bags outside like they will.  Act like a community.  It costs NYC one million dollars to remove and recover from each inch of snow.  One million per inch.  Now, it is snowing on 'the City that never sleeps'-again.  And, it's a lot of that white stuff.   No one is asking you to be a hero to the other residents on your street, just buy or borrow a shovel and help yourself...I would.
But. that is not how the majority of our world thinks.  We blame.  In our grief and frustration, we search for an explanation.  And the answers are often replaced with one's that make us feel better about our decisions.
"Why does that ice cream have to taste so good, cause IT has made me flabby!"
"I don't know why the kids have to want cookies.  Their food is too much of a temptation.  Damn kids"
"I'm out of shape because gym memberships are too expensive."
"I didn't get in a good WOD because my usual trainer wasn't there."
"I couldn't get my pull-ups or my lifts, because someone was using the bar I usually use."
"The guy next to me was distracting, sounded like he was having a man-gasim, was stanky, talked to me etc.  He ruined the WOD for me."

So, how do we stop 'the blame game'?  By being brutally honest with ourselves and others.

"I can't go to Burger King.  I don't exercise self-control when I go.  Can you pick up the chicken that the kids wanted?  I eat their fries on the drive home and act dismayed with everyone else when the smaller portions are removed from the bag."

"Even though walking, running, push-ups, sit-ups air-squats and stretching are free, I chose to watch the entire Today Show instead of exercising.  I know that I'll never lose weight from the nausea that I experience when I watch the dreaded 4th hour with Kathie Lee and Hoda, but I watched it anyway.  They had wine."

"I had a crappy day.  I let it take over my WOD.  My emotions were bigger than me.  I didn't concentrate on my form and my time suffered because of it."

"The girl next to me is faster and stronger than me.  I didn't concentrate on doing what is my best and lost time because of it.  I feel like a fool, cause I'm a guy.  Guys are supposed to be stronger than girls."

"The girl next to me is faster and stronger than me.  And, she is pretty.  I didn't concentrate on doing what is my best and lost time because of it.  I feel like a fool, cause this isn't the time for petty thoughts.  But, here I am.  Crap, she isn't even sweating.  I'm not using this time to concentrate on myself."

"I chose not to shovel because I thought someone else would do it for me.  They usually do.  I know that they are overwhelmed with a situation that is out of their control, but I decided to throw the dice anyway.  I was aware that the plow had blocked in my car with snow, but I spent my time being pissed while the snow froze into an impenetrable ice wall.  Now, I see that my plan sucked.  I'm feeling bitter."

Your honesty will not make you popular with others.  Or yourself.  It won't placate your friends who are used to your help in justifying their poor decisions and finger pointing. (ex. "Yes, he acted like a total dick.  You totally deserve cake, a very expensive purse, or telling his Sister-who you hate-that he returns the majority of the gifts she buys him etc. etc. etc.)  But, if we let our negative feelings, internal lies and blame pile up, they will, like plowed snow,congeal into an impenetrable hate wall.  I'm going to try to see my life like a huge snowstorm.  I'll try to see the beauty in the storm and not let things pile up.  Even if someone else is supposed to clean up the mess, I am going to try to be proactive with the part that affects me and my loved ones.  Because negative bullshit, like the snow, is easier to clear right after it falls.  Shit happens.  Just shovel it up and go on.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jillian Michaels is a hate monkey.

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! "

I guard the number on the scale like it is a Government secret.  I don't think this makes me unique.  I know a lot of women who feel the same way.  I lie about my weight.  On my driver's license, I have my goal weight.  I good with that. 
So, I really admire the contestants on The Biggest Loser because they let the world see their number on the scale.  While wearing a sports bra and tight spandex-blend shorts.  I won't even wear a 2-piece in public.  I'd wear Spanx in a WOD, if they weren't so hot and restrictive.  Yes, I'm that vain.  Get over it, I have.
They also put up with their trainer Jillian.  I call her the Hate Monkey.  The Hate Monkey perches on the tops of the treadmills like a organ grinder's monkey.  Who treats equipment like that?  And the screams  things like "How much do you weigh?  Do you want to miss your 4 year old daughter's wedding?  Do you?  Do you?  Cause you will.  You are walking towards a slow death.  And, it's all because you won't pick you feet up and fucking run!!!!!  Daddy didn't love you enough to run at an 8.  But, he loves bratwurst!  Doesn't he?  Which is it gonna be?  Ruining the most important day in your daughter's life or another bite of crap?"   See, like a real monkey will throw poo at you, she does it verbally.  And when she finally gets them to the point that they are emotionally destroyed, crying and exclaiming "I'm not fit to breathe the same air as everyone else on the planet!  I'll do whatever you say!  You're right.  I'm crap."  She exhales while closing her eyes and mouths the words "You're welcome."  Like she has done them a big favor. 
Fucking Hate Monkey.
Not that I disagree with yelling at the gym.  I like the Mark Rippetoe quote "Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling."  And, I've learned to like people yelling for me, even though I used to HATE it.  I used to dislike being pushed SO much that I would say FU to my trainer.  Or I would write it with chalk on the pull-up station and point at it when I was too winded to say it.  I even gave him a card that had a sweet little angel on the front,  On the inside, in flowing pink script it read "Dear Rodney, Fuck you.  From your friend, Nicole." 
When my husband became a trainer, my dislike for people to yell for me during a WOD got worse.  He would yell "Hurry up, Nicole.  You gotta hurry up!"  Because we were doing an AMRAP in 20 and he knew that if pushed, I could get in another round.  But, I would just lose my mind and be like "Why are you yelling at me?  Rinse your fucking dishes!  You never notice when I get my hair cut!  My form is PERFECT, like me!  Do you think I'm fat?"  Then, I would cry.  Like a weird, mentally imbalanced crazy chick.  And, Chase is a really great trainer!  His advise, like Rodney's, is always on point.  But, I couldn't distinguish between people yelling for me and people yelling at me.  I can now.  Finally.  After 2 years.  It's caused me to PR more than once.  Plus, our music can be loud and the dim of a WOD intense.  Sometimes, we just need to yell to be heard. Or, to express our excitement for each others performance.  Yell for me, please, but don't yell AT me.  I'll take you out-and not to lunch.  And then, I'll cry.
99% of the time, people perform better when they are pushed.   We lose weight faster and are less prone to cheat when we are monitored.  But, you need a support network.
Tomorrow begins the CrossFit SoMO weight loss challenge.  Whether you need to firm up, lose weight or just adjust your eating habits to a healthier lifestyle, come and weigh in.  Your number on the
scale is between you and the trainer that weighs you in.  You are only competing against yourself.  Our trainers can advise you on your diet.  And, we are 100% Hate Monkey free.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Everything I needed to know about double-unders, I learned on the playground. Then forgot.

It's been over 30ish years since I was in elementary school.  We never passed a school levy.  Our playground equipment sucked.  We had a huge tire that was buried 1/4 of the way into the ground.  It ALWAYS smelled like pee.  Always.  We had very questionable swings, monkey bars and a faded 4-square court.  Then, there was the milk crate of discarded junk.  Things like cracked Frisbees, a glove, a metal toy car with 2 wheels.  And jump ropes.  Crappy, ugly ropes.  They were jump ropes in the sense that if you jumped with it, that made it a jump rope.  Brown, thick twisted, twine-looking things with knots tied on the ends.  And unless you wanted to spend recess in the tire-you prepubescent closet freak- you either played kickball, used the equipment provided or jumped rope.   It was prison rules for the contents of that milk crate.  Me and my crew-we got ropes.  Swings are for suckas!
We were not double dutch masters, but we did it.  It wasn't like some awesome McDonald's commercial from the '80's.  We had a couple of rhymes we sang when we used 2 ropes.  Little white girls in an Ohio farming community- we were hardly fly.  BUT, we were proficient.  I could jump all recess.  I could 'jump in' and 'tag out' like a mother father. 
Fast forward to present day.  I'm 39.  I should have about 33 or 34 years of jump rope experience under my cap.  I am smarter.  I own a kick butt jump rope-a Buddy Lee-that is customised to my height.  I do CrossFit.  I should be like a YouTube video at this point, right?
Wrong.  I blow at jump rope.  Single-unders?  This is me:  "1..2..3..4..5..fu%$! Wait.  Wait. I gotta start over.  1..2..3..4..5..6..7..holy crap, look at me..22..23..24..25..26..fuck!!!! F!  F!  F!! F!!!!!!!!!!"
Now, this is pretty entertaining for the other people in the room.  And, I can laugh at myself.  But I would be lying if I said this didn't frustrate the hell out of me.  It's jump rope.  That's all. Jump rope.
Yesterday I did 79 single-unders in a row without peeing myself.  That was a PR.  Then Rodney had me do double-unders.  It took me his whole bowl of oatmeal to do 30.  I think he was eating his oatmeal.  I don't know.  I was too busy sucking at double-unders.  And, sucking wind.  For future reference and on a personal note, Rodney- if this is going to be my warm up for our one-on-one training sessions, may I suggest you use this time to multi-task.  Balance your checkbook,  respond to comments on your Facebook, eat breakfast.  I'm gonna be a while.
Why can't I jump rope anymore?  I mean, I'm not a complete spaz.  I can do one double-under at a time-not always consecutively-but I got skillz.  Still, what have I lost over the last 3 decades?  I have top notch shoes, an expensive custom rope with handles that rotate, one of the best trainers.  WTF?  I don't know.
But, I have a theory.  We, as adults, think about things too much.  We get all technical on this Mickey Mouse shit.  It's jump rope-that's all.  We don't allow ourselves to get lost in the movement.  A kid will get lost in the pure pleasure of it.  And, they will sing-song a clever little rhyme that slams a friend and their future baby Daddy("....then comes Brad with a baby carriage.")  Kids rock.  We suck.
We can think ourselves out of a lift.  A HUGE PR on a 500m row(another story) or consecutive double-unders.  My best WOD's are when I just enjoy what I can do.  When I get lost in the pure pleasure of it.  That is when I PR.  I love CrossFit.  I get to have 'my adult recess' almost every day.  Besides from practicing to improve my agility and coordination, I really need to learn to enjoy and relax.  To get lost in certain movements.  And not to let 39 year old Nicole mess with 7 year old Nicole's game.  She is one bad little mother.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Mommy thinks I'm nice....

Does CrossFit make you a better person, or do you just gain the confidence to not give a crap what others think?  I guess, like anything else,  it varies from person to person.
I can be a hypocrite.  I push unfolded laundry off my bed and watch Hoarders in the glow of my still lit Christmas lights.  I've picked up Taco Bell in my rush to get home to watch The Biggest Loser.  I've marvelled in how these people reached this place in their life.  And, I have the audacity to judge them.  On one episode of Hoarders, a homeless man built a shanty in the Hoarder's yard and uses a bucket as a toilet.  When the organizers come to clean up the joint, the therapist makes a good point.  He says....and this IS a quote...."We are all 4 to 5 bad decisions from shitting in a bucket."  Well, after rewinding this brilliant little jewel several times, I realize that he is right.  Now, these must be some huge fucktard choices that lead you to Bucket Town.  And, to make 4 to 5 in a  But, I'm judging again.
I'd like to think that CrossFit has made me more patient and accepting of others.  And I've learned to better accept my own faults while working to improve them.  And this is due to the friends I've made in the CrossFit community.
Everyone at our Box is nice.  No joke.  I'm not pooping out rainbows for your benefit here, folks.  We have one heck of a family up at CrossFit SoMO.  We function like a family, too.  We laugh together. Grieve together.  We celebrate each other's accomplishments and catch one another if we fall.  We argue, get frustrated, sometimes snap in anger.  And at the end of the day-or WOD-no matter how bad I screw up, there is a gym full of people who have my back and love me just the way I am.  And we are not unique-sorry.  The CrossFit community is supportive and amazing worldwide.  People finish WOD's at competitions and sit in their own sweat pool, cheering for their opponents.  If you don't do CrossFit, go to and find an affiliate in your area.  It may just be that thing that is missing in your life.   And, I truly feel that being immersed within this community has made me strive to be a better person.  Every once in a blue moon you meet a real stinker, though.  But, they seem as out of place as the Lindsey Lohan Babysitting Academy. 
 My CrossFit friends gently steer me away from my mistakes.  Their encouragement keeps me from making mistake number 2 thru 5.  And, I try to do the same for them.  And in case I forget to tell you, thank you for being there.  You keep me happy, well-rounded, healthy and strong.  And,  I feel pretty secure that if I was ever even close to shitting in a bucket, one of them would slap me back to reality PDQ.  Buckets are for puking, after all.
I was able to do a WOD today that was rowing and deadlifts.  My 2
favorites!  The WOD was in 12 minutes complete a 2k row and max rep deads @185.  I pr'd my row by 1 second and was only able to do 15 deads.  BUT, was able to do the WOD with my finger still taped.  I took time to reset my grip during the row and lifts, so as to not further injure myself.  That was a time vampire, but worth it, I think.
If we take the time to make good decisions-proper set up in a lift, proper grip, good fuel before we go to the Box-it helps us stay off the Road to Bucket Town.  And, a good network of support never hurts. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011


I did clean and jerks today.  Everything feels awkward and a little painful, but my finger continues to heal.  I took off the split and taped it off.  I wasn't able to achieve my 1 rep max.  I was actually 13lbs. under.  BUT, I was able to do barbell work.  And, any day that you get to do barbell work is a good day.  I like the whole chalky, sweaty grunty experience.  I love the explosive noise that the bar makes when you drop it and the loud music.  It's sexy stuff, folks!
But, without a good nutritional base, CrossFit is no fun.  It's a hot mess.  Trust me. 
I like the Paleo lifestyle.  Mostly, because I detest Zone.  In saying that, I have had some great results and WODs with both.  And, since most successful Crossfitters subscribe to one of the two, I feel inspired to choose one.  And, it is usually Paleo.  I like not doing 'block math' when I am hungry.  I can scarcely string together a sentence when I am hungry.  Sometimes I want a whole damn banana, not 1/3, for a snack.  I feel like a knob trying to pawn off 2/3 a banana.   I like not counting almonds.  I feel superior, like, "F U zone people.  I just ate 8 almonds.  Or, was it 13?  I don't know.  And, it doesn't matter.  Cause, I'm a cave woman. And, I may or may not combine that with an apple.  Don't feel like eating protein right now.  Sucks to be you."
But, then there is cheese.  I love cheese so much.  It makes everything better.  I love a good fresh mozzarella with a super high quality balsamic.  And, it is not Paleo.  Cheesus!  That puts me in a pickle(also, not Paleo.)  And, I lose my balsamics on Paleo.
So, one would think that Zone might be a better choice for me.  My husband does Zone with great success and very little frustration.  Oh, why do I hate you, Zone?
CrossFit SoMO has announced a new weight loss competition beginning next week.  I did very well in the last one, losing 17lbs. on Paleo.  I've gained back 7 by making craptacular choices like Bugles on Broccoli Cheese soup and Blizzards from DQ.  I'd like to lose the 7 plus 10 more.
Have you ever done a lift and then inched up the weight by 5lbs. and failed?  WTF?  It's only 2 little 2.5lb. plates!  It may as well be 50lbs.-it feels like it.  7 or 17 lbs. makes a huge difference on body weight movements.  I'm motivated to lose so that I can make steady gains.  I'd like to get my C2B's and HSPU.  And, I feel like I am not quite strong enough to accomplish these at my current weight.  Plus, these are freaking cool movements!  I feel like a tool using the band again, just to accomplish C2B, when I can do unassisted pull-ups.
So, here is the plan.  I will food journal and eat clean.  I will not put chips on cream based soups and I will not eat frosting from a can.  I will eat cheese and nuts in moderation(1-2 oz. a day) and I will lean on the Paleo side of the spectrum.  And, I will keep you posted on my results.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's gonna get better...

I'm coming off of a hell week.  Things are better.  And, it feels good.
I spent Christmas with the kind of flu that makes you feel like you are part of an exorcism.  And to add to the Suckfest, I have my fingers splinted.
Let me take you back.......
After a great WOD featuring box jumps, I decided that I wanted to try the 28 inch box.  Now, box jumps are a former nemesis, so the fact that I was able to do a WOD with the 24 inch box was good.  I've spent almost 2 years living in terror of jumping 2 feet in the air.  So, now I want to be one of the big kids.  I wanna jump the 28.  And, I was given very valuable advice from my husband, a Level One CrossFit trainer, before I jumped.  "Don't swing your hands in front of you.  You do that.  You will hit them on the box."
Ten seconds and TWO substantial hand whacks later, I'm holding my fingers and trying not to drop the king cat daddy of all swear words in front of the just dismissed CrossFit Kids class.  And, I don't filter myself well.  And, I like that word.  Fuck.  See?  I even like to type it.   And, it hurt like a mother father.  That was a personal growth moment, folks.
Now, one week later, things are getting better.  I'm starting to get my strength back from the flu, the swelling is going down in my fingers and I can almost make a fist with my left hand.  Soon, I'll be able to wear my wedding ring.  Or, flip off other drivers and steer.  You know, it's the simple pleasures.
Now, for the Resolutions.  I want to complete a running 1/2 marathon.  I'm registered for one in February. 
I want to stop eating crap so often and limit my 'fancy coffee' intake to 1 time a month.
I would like to rank in the top 10 worldwide of all the ranked rows in my age division on the Concept 2 Rowing site.  I'm almost there.
I'd like to get my Level 1 cert.
And, my double unders.
And pr my dead lift.  I'm at 295#  and I really want 300#. And I want it smooth.
And, I'd like the patience and self discipline to meet these goals.
And, be a better listener.
And, a pony.