We have new whiteboards at the Box! They record our 1 rep maxes and our times for the Girl WODs and Hero WODs. They hold our pr's for our runs, rows and other benchmarks. And, they are really cool looking! Also, as a coach, they are a valuable tool in regards to accessing our athletes and helping them progress towards awesomeness. I love the new whiteboards!!!!
We still need to keep a personal record of all our workouts. Even more helpful would be to combine that with a record of our current weight and food intake. And, perhaps a sentence or two of what is happening that day. All those things combined affect your time, strength and concentration for that day. For me, these elements help create the WOD's subcategory. Every WOD I do has one. Fran is never 'just Fran'. 7x1 back squat day isn't just a strength day. Not for me, anyways.
Here are some of my WOD subcategories:
The Redemption WOD
The WOD that you needed to crush. Because the last 4 or 5 WOD's have sucked. If you don't do well, you just may cry. Or, eat a movie theatre sized bag of Twizzlers. Or both. You think that something has stolen your CrossFit Mojo. You question what was once, in your head, a borderline Jedi ability to CrossFit. It is the WOD you need to pr.
The Easy Read
It reads 'easy' on the white board. 3 rounds of anything, low weights with higher reps, 1 minute all out efforts. General rule of thumb: If you are reading the WOD and think "Hey! This won't be so bad. I'm good at those. This is MY WOD. I'm super awesome." You're wrong. So very wrong. And, they never fall on your rest day. Sorry-I don't know why this seems to be true. It sucks.
The Evil One
Your Nemesis. The one that gives your bowels distress. The one you read the night before and think about at 2am. And 2:57am. And 4:12am. And then again 24 minutes before your alarm is set to go off. Now, it has ruined a night of sleep. This WILL affect your time. It is trying to sabotage you. Crafty little f*cker.
"Here's the deal. I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence. "
You enter the Box and make it so. Perfect WOD. Perfect form. Perfect time.
Shake and bake.
The War Story WOD
People talk about these ones like they were in 'Nam. The 400m lunge with a 20# vest, the burpee mile, Eva, yesterday......
The list goes on in infamy.
And, they will be back again someday.
Think about that at 2:57am.
The Endurance WOD Grief and Support Group
A Favorite. At least one hour of loud music, sweat, clanging barbells, grunts and
people muttering to themselves. But ALWAYS, at least every 3 minutes, someone will yell out something encouraging. Support? Yeah, we have that.
The Technical WOD
It doesn't really matter how strong you are or how fast. A "no rep" is a "no rep." If your hips don't open at the top. If it is not locked out overhead. If the ball doesn't go completely over the line. If your chest doesn't hit the floor....NO REP!
Like in the Karate Kid, repetition and practice will help you in your WOD. I always forget that my WOD doesn't have to be my practice time. I need to learn to do more skill work outside of classtime. I have to "wax-on/wax-off" before I can "sweep the leg".
and the worst one for me...
Fail WOD
Where the obtainable is JUST out of my reach. When I don't hit my 1 rep max. I create my own fail WOD's. I need to remember that a 1:45 500m row is still a good row for me, even if it isn't a pr. A 275# deadlift is a good lift for that day, even if it was 20# under my one rep. max. A scaled WOD with proper intensity is a good WOD. These are not epic failures. These days happen. I need to remember that. It's only a fail if I quit or call it a fail. Finish the row, the lift, the double-under attempts. No more Fail WOD's.
I wish you a weekend full of Ricky Bobbys!
Best one yet
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious. You hit it spot on.