Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I smell a dumpster fire...

We live in a time of excess.
Being the fat fucks that we all are, well...
What a time to be alive!

I know what you're thinking, "She just called me a fat fuck!"
I said, "We". 
"We ALL are"
That's better.

Not only is food everywhere for most of us, we have options. Oh, so many options. We develop specific tastes. Social media tells us where and what to hashtag and order. Food types become popular and all of the sudden, we're all eating avocado toast like it's not just freaking toast and spread.
And we forgot that we really like peanut butter.

Now, I love breakfast foods more than the average person. Right next to beards and Star Wars, breakfast foods are my jam.

insert toast and jam joke here

So let's acknowledge that I am not anti-breakfast foods. 
I love avocado toast.
I LOVE choices.
But, I can't discount the fact that we will eventually find ourselves sitting in restaurants, berating the experience because they only have regular toast. I mean, WHO doesn't have the avocado toast for cripes sake? Or, they HAVE avocado toast but they don't use a balsamic reduction on it? Or burrata cheese as an accompaniment? 
There's sea salt but no pink Himalayan sea salt? 

This is us.
In every sense,
 this is us. 

Our abundant and probably unnecessary choices have left us with an unquenchable taste for different and more. So much more that we can't even.

Fat fucks.

You can weigh 92 pounds and to act this way qualifies you as such.

Now, I love great foods. And yes, I have pink Hymalian sea salt in my kitchen. I have a cheese drawer in my refrigerator and I just opened it to find the exact spelling of burrata. Also, to eat some burrata. Remember, I said "ALL". I too am a fat fuck.

But, as per usual, my point is to come because we aren't going to bash food.
Take that negativity over to your favorite diet blog's comment section.
Not on my watch.

No, we are talking about excess and our insatiable hunger for what we're told to want. And how it can take us from fueling ourselves for what we need to over-indulgence. Expecting the beyond and not appreciating the simple. And why it leaves us unsatisfied. 
We indulge and indulge and we're never full. There must be something better out there, right? We partake and taste until we are desensitized.
And we feel like shit.
And we sit at home and wonder why we did it.
Why did I eat all that shit?
I'm not satisfied.
See? Fat fucks.

News flash! Obviously, and I hope that you picked this up, this is not about food.

Yeah, I am talking about people...again. Because this blog has always been about human relationships and how I view the world. And just what confuses me. And what I need answers to in this life.

You see, I throw it out there and the Universe hits back answers. It's pretty nifty.

Last night, someone messaged me and called me "a snack".
1st off, I immediately wondered what kind of snack and then I WANTED a snack.
And, I messaged back, "I'm a full-course dining experience."


See, this is why the weirdos come back and I need use my block button so often. My bad.
I'm learning. Cut me a little slack.
 But eventually, the right man will get my point.

Do you get my point?

No? it is.

There is a legion of people that are snacks out there. Let's be polite and call them the Legion of Snacks. Men and women.

Now, I love snacks and I indulge. Sometimes, I just don't want a big meal. I want to stand over my sink and eat something that is quick and delicious. I want to forgo the napkin and lick my fingers. Because my intention is immediate gratification or I am just starving and I don't want to wait until dinner.
Will I starve? Literally? Nope.
But I want it.
 And it looks so good. The packaging, the zero prep.
All with the intention of still eating dinner.
But sometimes we snack so much that we are too full for dinner. Or, we just don't want to cook. Do the dishes. Go to the store.  

So, we want a thicc lil snack.
I get it.
I love thicc snacks and I cannot lie.
But I can't live happily on snacks.
Here's the problem.
 If you spend all of your time eating snacks over the sink, you won't know how to sit down for a full-course dining experience.
You won't know how to behave. How to savor each course. What fork to use.
Then, we're savages.

Shit, we're barely capable of it because we are all snacks and apps.
All avocado toast and quick bites because it is heavily advertised on our news feeds.
Filtered and shirtless...the Legion of Snacks.

 What does that make us? 
Because I am not innocent in all of this.

 I am well aware that it doesn't satiate my hunger.
I am eventually left feeling unsatisfied and looking for more snacks.
And that fucking toast, whether I like it or not because I am supposed to like it...right?

Only my single friends really get it.
Hear that.
Married folks, love your spaghetti nights every Wednesday.
That is some satisfying stuff. You have food at home.

Women know when we post a picture that is attractive too, BTW. We know that we look like a snack. When I see guys with a ton of snacks on their friends and followers list, I immediately see it as a sign of insecurity.
Yup. We immediately see you as less attractive.
 And in our Secret Snack Meetings, we discuss this. You see, women only post snack pics to get the attention of one, maybe two guys at best. Very specific men. If you constantly Love her pics and she won't go out with you, guess what? You're a fat fuck.
She doesn't like you that way. You're filler.
 Ladies, this goes for us too. 
Hear me now.
That was my Ted Talk moment. You're welcome.

My point here is we need to figure out why we are content at this point in time being told what to do. What to like. And why are we ruining our appetites?

How do we separate those who just like snacks from those who want dinner on the table nightly?
Because we're wasting each other's time and spoiling our appetites.

Thoughts welcome.
As always.
Judging is bad. Figuring stuff out, good.